Author: Ulf Emsoy

Ulf Emsoy has long working experience in project management, software development and supply chain management.
Supply Chain

Understanding the Norwegian Utilities Regulation – Forsyningsforskriften

This article describes how to procure products and services in accordance with the Norwegian Utilities Regulation (Norwegian: Forskrift om innkjøpsregler i forsyningssektoren, Forsyningsforskriften) and Norwegian Procurement Act (Norwegian: Lov om offentlige anskaffelser). The objective is to provide answers and guidance on key questions related to the use of framework agreements, requirements for competition, and when […]


Kyokushin Karate

Kyokushin Karate, also known as Kyokushinkai, is a full contact, self-defense style of karate that was developed in Japan by Masutatsu Oyama (大山倍達) in 1964. Kyokushin is one of the three major traditional styles of karate, along with Shotokan and Wado-ryu. 極真会 (Kyokushinkai) is a Japanese word that means “the association of the absolute truth” […]


Lock Aspect Ratio

“Lock Aspect Ratio” is the possibility to preserve the relative width and height when you resize an image or graphics shape. When locked, the original proportions of the selected shape are preserved when the height or width is changed. If the aspect ratio unlocked, then you can change the height and width independently of one […]

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