Excel VBA: Convert a Variant Array to a String Array

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Excel VBA: Convert a Variant Array to a String Array

To simplify the conversion of a variant array to a string array in Microsoft Excel we have made a set of utility functions. The method will also flatten any variant arrays within the source array (i.e. jagged arrays).

' Array Variant to String
Public Function VariantArrayToStringArray(ByVal arrVariants As Variant) As String()
    Dim arrStrings() As String
    ' Get the string array
    Call ParamArrayToStringArray(arrVariants, arrStrings)
    ' Get the string array
    VariantArrayToStringArray = arrStrings
End Function

' Array Variant to String
Public Sub ParamArrayToStringArray(ByVal arrVariants As Variant, ByRef arrStrings() As String)
    Dim intLength As Integer
    ' Handle the array
    Call ParamArrayToStringArrayInternal(arrVariants, arrStrings, intLength)
End Sub

' Array Variant to String
Private Sub ParamArrayToStringArrayInternal(ByVal arrVariants As Variant, ByRef arrStrings() As String, ByRef intLength As Integer)
    ' Parameter is array?
    If (IsArray(arrVariants)) Then
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim objValue As Variant
        ' Walk through the specified partner objects
        For i = LBound(arrVariants) To UBound(arrVariants) Step 1
            ' Get the value
            objValue = arrVariants(i)
            ' Array to string
            Call ParamArrayToStringArrayInternal(objValue, arrStrings, intLength)
        ' Next item
        intLength = intLength + 1
        ' Expand array
        ReDim Preserve arrStrings(1 To intLength)

        ' Set the value
        arrStrings(intLength) = CStr(arrVariants)
    End If
End Sub

' String Array
' Convert ParamArray to String array
Public Function StringArray(ParamArray arrValues() As Variant) As String()
    ' Get the string array
    StringArray = VariantArrayToStringArray(arrValues)
End Function


Here is an example on how to use the method called VariantArrayToStringArray:

' Source array
Dim arrVariants() As Variant

' Set the array length
ReDim arrVariants(1 To 4)

' Set the array values
arrVariants(1) = 1          ' Integer
arrVariants(2) = 2.2        ' Single
arrVariants(3) = "Text"     ' Text
arrVariants(4) = True       ' Boolean
' Destination array
Dim arrStrings() As String

' Convert variant array to string array
arrStrings = VariantArrayToStringArray(arrVariants)

The method will return an array with the following string values:
arrStrings(1) = “1”
arrStrings(2) = “2.2”
arrStrings(3) = “Text”
arrStrings(4) = “True”

Here is an example on how to use the function StringArray to create a string array from a ParamArray of variants. It is a fast way to initialize an array of strings.

' Destination array
Dim arrStrings() as String

' Get string array
arrStrings = StringArray("This", "is", "a", "test")

The array arrStrings now contains the following values:

arrStrings(0) = “This”
arrStrings(1) = “is”
arrStrings(2) = “a”
arrStrings(3) = “test”

Regional settings

Please notice that the decimal separator for singles/floats/doubles is dependent on your computer’s regional settings. In some regions the decimal separator is a comma. For item 2 the result value is “2.2” in the USA, while in the Scandinavian countries the result value is “2,2”.

To always use the dot as a decimal separator, replace the expression CStr(arrVariants) with Trim(Str(arrVariants)). In some cases I have experienced that the Str function adds a space to the result string. This space can be removed by Trim. The Str function does unfortunately not support a string as an input value, so we need to do an additional check.

' Contains decimal numbers?
If (VarType(arrVariants) <> vbString) Then
     arrStrings(intLength) = Trim(Str(arrVariants))
    ' Convert String to String
    arrStrings(intLength) = CStr(arrVariants)
End If

The full source code for the modified method ParamArrayToStringArrayInternal is shown below.

' Array Variant to String
Private Sub ParamArrayToStringArrayInternal(ByVal arrVariants As Variant, ByRef arrStrings() As String, ByRef intLength As Integer)
    ' Parameter is array?
    If (IsArray(arrVariants)) Then
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim objValue As Variant
        ' Walk through the specified partner objects
        For i = LBound(arrVariants) To UBound(arrVariants) Step 1
            ' Get the value
            objValue = arrVariants(i)
            ' Array to string
            Call ParamArrayToStringArrayInternal(objValue, arrStrings, intLength)
        ' Next item
        intLength = intLength + 1
        ' Expand array
        ReDim Preserve arrStrings(1 To intLength)

        ' Contains decimal numbers?
        If (VarType(arrVariants) <> vbString) Then
            arrStrings(intLength) = Trim(Str(arrVariants))
            ' Convert String to String
            arrStrings(intLength) = CStr(arrVariants)
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Simplified variant

One of our readers, Pete, proposed a simpler version of the above function (see the comments field below). This variant, however, does not handle jagged arrays, i.e. arrays inside arrays. The function is included for your reference:

' Converts Var array to a string array
Public Function Variant2String(ByRef vArr() As Variant) As String()
    Dim i As Long
    Dim sArr() As String
    ReDim sArr(LBound(vArr) To UBound(vArr)) As String

    For i = LBound(vArr) To UBound(vArr) Step 1
        sArr(i) = CStr(vArr(i))

    Variant2String = sArr
End Function


It is recommended to add the expression Option Explicit at the beginning of your source file to ensure that the code is compiled correctly.


Ulf Emsoy has long working experience in project management, software development and supply chain management.

6 thoughts on “Excel VBA: Convert a Variant Array to a String Array

  1. Doesn’t seem to work. Get “Type mismatch” compile error with the following:
    Dim msg as string (or as string(60) – either way. Then:
    msg = VariantArrayToStringArray(Listarray)
    where Listarray is a variant array filled with values from a named range.
    Can’t believe it’s so difficult to convert a variant() to a string()!

    1. Thank you for your comment. I have now updated the article with an example.

      The destination string array should be declared as:
      Dim msg() As String

  2. Function Variant2String(vArr() As Variant)
    ‘converts Var array to a string array
    Dim i As Long, sArr() As String
    ReDim sArr(UBound(vArr)) As String
    For i = 1 To UBound(vArr)
    sArr(i) = CStr(vArr(i))

    Variant2String = sArr

    End Function

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